A letter from the president
What is Fedeora?It is a semi-acronym for a Federation of professional film critics from European and Mediterranean countries.
Why Fedeora?In these days of the Internet blogs, Facebook and Twitter, when everybody thinks they can be a film critic, it is good to distinguish between the critics with professional experience and a knowledge of film history and theory, from the amateur enthusiast with little film education. Therefore, a federation of bona fide well-known film critics from different countries with different cultures is not only rare, but essential. All the reader has to do is to click on all our EB members’ short biographies (we will also publish those of national delegates after the elections) to see the range of experience and background which Fedeora can offer.
What will Fedeora offer?
Fedeora will offer a uniquely vast range of services to film buffs, critics, members and festivals. On the website, readers will find film reviews, essays and festival reports from different European and Mediterranean countries. Although the official language of Fedeora is English (for obvious practical reasons), the federation will be a good antidote to the dominance of Anglo-Saxon critics on the internet and American cinema. Because all the members of Fedeora come from non-English speaking countries (except from the U.K), their opinions will create a more cosmopolitan counterbalance.
Unlike many other institutions which have juries at festivals, Fedeora juries (made up from different nationalities) will award prizes not only to films, but also to directors, screenwriters, cinematographers and actors (possibly even editors, art directors, and sound designers) from European and Mediterranean countries where deserved.
With so much talent at their disposal, Fedeora will organize retrospectives, conferences and lectures, particularly valuable to film students, who would be encouraged to take part. Eventually, Fedeora plans to publish pamphlets and books on European and Mediterranean films and filmmakers.
Welcome to Fedeora!
Ronald Bergan
President Fedeora