• FEDEORA organs are:

       1. The Executive Board (EB), consisting of the President, five vice presidents and the Treasurer

       2. The Congress

    All positions in FEDEORA are subject to regular democratic elections with secret ballots, without regard to the nationality of the candidates.

    The President represents FEDEORA in all matters, and chairs the meetings of the EB and the Congress
    The President is supported in his activities by five Vice-presidents, who are in charge of special tasks defined by the Congress, and the Treasurer.
    The President, five Vice-Presidents and the Treasurer are elected for two years, and may be re-elected once in a row.
    The candidatures for the President, Vice-Presidents and the Treasurer must be given in writing, to the Administrative Secretary, by a date published on the web page of FEDEORA. They are published on the FEDEORA web page a month before the Congress

    The Treasurer is in charge of the FEDEORA finances.
    The Treasurer’s particular tasks are:

    a. to administer the funds of FEDEORA
    b. to issue membership fee bills and possible reminders
    c. to present financial reports to the EB and the Congress

    d. to prepare and submit all the applications for funds
    e. to take care of regular bookkeeping and financial legality

    In order to assist and eventually temporarily take over the tasks of the Vice Presidents and the Treasurer, deputies for these positions are nominated by the EB, on the proposal of the respective EB members. They are nominated for a period of two years and can be re-confirmed in their functions.

    FEDEORA Executive Board

    The Executive Board constitutes the management body of FEDEORA. It develops the FEDEORA programme of activity approved by the Congress and carries out all the actual work of FEDEORA

    The Executive Board is made up of the President, five Vice-presidents and the Treasurer. The EB member deputies can be invited to participate in the EB meetings in a consultative function. Members of the EB could be from the same country.

    The Executive Board decides on the juries composition and expenses in accordance with the Budget approved by the Congress. Although it is preferable where possible to make up a jury of different nationalities, it is not essential nor is it imperative for a member of the jury to be from the host country.

    Online EB meetings are possible.
    In case of equality of votes, the President has the casting vote.
    A secretary is nominated by the EB, which also defines his/her tasks

    FEDEORA Congress

    The Congress is the supreme institution of FEDEORA: in all matters it constitutes the final jurisdiction on decisions made. Within the limits of the statutes, the Congress can make decisions on every subject and particularly:

    a. discuss and approve the programme of FEDEORA’s activities presented by the EB
    b. discuss and approve the reports from the President, the Vice-presidents and the Treasurer
    c. withdraw the mandates given to the elected members of the Board
    d. settle possible controversies
    e. give an authentic interpretation of the spirit embodied in the statutes for matters not covered in the statutes themselves
    f. exclude members
    g. decide on other sanctions.
    h. Elect auditors that supervise all the accounts

    The Congress should take place every year. It is called by the President. Its agenda is made known one month in advance to the members.

    The Congress is composed of delegates of the individual members. Individual members in all countries elect their country’s delegate for each FEDEORA Congress. The President, the Vice-presidents, the Treasurer and the EB members deputies participate in the Congress without  voting rights (they have voting rights only if they are delegates). A delegation of votes is not possible. The names of the delegates attending the Congress must be given in writing to the Secretary in advance and by a date published in the circular of FEDEORA.

    The resolutions made by the Congress are obtained by a majority of the votes of members of the Congress being present at the time. The ballots can be secret if three of the delegates demand it. In case of equality in voting, the matters in question are resolved negatively. The dissolution and the transformation of FEDEORA, as well as the alteration of the statutes, can not be adopted except by two thirds of the votes expressed.
    In case the Congress does not approve the reports given by the members of the Board, the concerned members have to resign.
    The President may call an Extraordinary Congress. This has to be done on the written request of at least one third of the members.

    Membership fees

    The annual membership fees paid by the individual members are determined by the Congress on proposition of the EB.
    All individual members not paying one year’s membership fees cannot participate in the activities of FEDEORA, are not allowed to vote and cannot be elected.
    Every individual member failing to settle membership fees for two consecutive years will be considered as having resigned. Re-entry will not be permitted until the outstanding membership fees are settled.
    In the case of dissolution of FEDEORA the balance of funds will be paid to the European Film Academy.